About Us

We Do Our Best To Create

Guitars Since 1997

Ever since the beginning of practicing this craft, our wish has been to make a top quality, stable and highly aesthetic instrument that will make its owner happy and truly satisfied over a long time. This is accomplished by combining both traditional and modern techniques in the making of an instrument. We strongly believe that not only our decade-long experience but also experience of other colleagues we have acquired and the use of modern technologies can produce an exceptional bespoke instrument to respond to the diverse demands from a wide range of users.

Any kind of Music

Strict quality control of the materials used and continuous monitoring in the course of making an instrument is what is required to achieve the desired quality. The birth of a final product is a special moment for us as a crown to all our efforts and an immense source of happiness for us and hopefully, for the future owner.

Feel through Guitar

Besides striving to produce an instrument tailored to our customer’s every demand, it is also very important to us that the instrument provides a pleasant subjective experience and an intimate feel already with the first touch.
With a constant desire for progress and endeavors to push the limits of our possibilities every day, we continue to create new instruments in the peaceful environment of our workshop. Enjoy our instruments as we enjoyed making them!


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